Thrive Anew is dedicated to providing guidance to families in transition. Whenever there is change in the family system, whether it is anticipated with joy or fear, or comes as a complete shock, there will be stress experienced because change of any kind places pressure on all loved ones and their relationships that need to change. Although change is not always predictable, it is always an opportunity to do what is needed with dignity and good faith and kindness. It is always an opportunity to discover the best that you have to offer.
Life is about growth and growth signifies change. Often people fear that change of any kind will be stressful and exhausting. However, these fearful thoughts are usually based on a lack of information. Thrive Anew therefore is dedicated to providing the information that is helpful to you in making your own decisions that are consistent with your most important values through private consultations and referral to insightful materials and professionals. It has been said about divorce that divorce is like a desert: you know there is an end to it, but you’re not sure you’ll ever see the end. There is life after dramatic change and it is possible to live again fully and happily, and yes, to thrive once again.